We are all unique and have different wishes and needs

As individuals your support will be tailored to meet your needs.
You may wish to discover a new hobby, have a flask of tea and a sandwich on the beach, visit the library or go to your favourite café for lunch or simply just have a little help around the house or assistance with showering.

"Your life, your choice"  - Here are some of the most popular services provided


You may wish to be taken shopping to visit the high street, supermarket or you may be feeling under the weather and prefer your grocery shopping done for you instead.


Having a Personal Assistant is not just a helping hand with day to day living Its about the fun stuff too. This can include being taken and accompanied to groups, activities, hobbies or days out to places of interest.
you may wish to be taken and accompanied to visit a loved one or friend.


Sometimes it can be a chore and frustrating when trying to sort out appointments with your Doctor, District Nurse, hospital, chiropodist, optician, hairdresser and so on – A personal diary can be set up so you will never forget an appointment again.
"I can also take and accompany you to appointments"


Sometimes bills and paperwork can mount up which at times can feel overwhelming. I can assist you with filling in forms, understanding your bills and contacting the council or utility providers. 


Delicious home cooked meals made together in your home – can be batch cooked for the freezer.


Light housework and general help around your home and garden.


Sometimes we just need company – whether it’s to share a puzzle, play cards or have a laugh over afternoon tea.  


You may feel unsteady on your feet and fear a fall so showering or bathing can become a stressful event – with assistance you can enjoy a lovely hot shower knowing that you have someone to hand. You can also be assisted with shaving, having your hair washed & dried. “Pamper yourself”


Occasionally the people who normal care for you may become unwell or go on holiday, so you may need extra support in their absence. 
You may have had an injury or illness and need care for a short period of time.

Covid -19

My aim is to keep you, me and our community safe during these unprecedented times. PPE will be worn at all time. Vehicles and any equipment used will be thoroughly sanitized between clients and you will be supplied with a surgical face mask & hand sanitizer when being accompanied out. All government recommendations will be strictly adhered to.

"This is the area I cover - If you are just outside don't worry give me a ring and I will see what I can do"


You are charge by the minute – no fixed contract – you can have regular or casual support - you may only want 1 hour a month or 3 hours a week   "Your Choice"
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